9 Essential Amino Acids

The human body cannot make 9 amino acids; therefore we must get them from food. These amino acids are:

1. Lysine
2. Histidine
3. Valine
4. Isoleucine
5. Leucine
6. Phenylalanine
7. Threonine
8. Tryptophan
9. Methionine

When dieting, I think it's good to know that you must have these 9 amino acids in your diet. If you don't have these nutrients, your body will be in search of them. I think this causes overeating.

Sources of the 9 essential amino acids:

1. Chicken
2. Eggs
3. Beef
4. Nuts
5. Milk
6. Quinoa
7. Buckwheat
8. Soy
9. Pistachios
10. Cottage Cheese
11. Fish
12. Yogurt
13. Pumpkin Seeds
14. Black Beans
15. Soy
16. Mushrooms
17. Lentils
18. Turkey


This amino acid is crucial because it has appetite suppressant benefits. Good sources of Phenylalanine are:
1. Nuts
2. Beans
3. Fish
4. Soy